Hover over a name listed below and if a player profile has been added, you'll be able to click on their name to view more information.
Vocals: Tara | Sophie
Piano: Katie
Tenor Saxophones: Colin | Jeremy
Baritone Saxophone: Lindsay
Trumpets: Anton | Stefan | Robbie | Jo | Ricky | Sarah
Trombones: Alan | Jeremy | Danny | Jody
Bass: Dave
Guitar: Mike
Drums: Matt | JP |
New Member Enquiries
The Hamilton Big Band always welcomes new members.
Although we can't always guarantee an immediate spot in the performing lineup, spaces open up regularly.
However, we generally have room for extra players to join us at our weekly rehearsals.If you’re interested in becoming a member of the Hamilton Big Band and would like to come to our next rehearsal please contact Colin for more details